
UM: …Souls?

UM: Hello?

SGS: Hello, Mems! Sorry, I’ve been caught up with Solace recently. How are you?

UM: Oh, well I’m okay. though if you’d like my honesty, I’ve just been.. upset.

SGS: Ah, I see. ..Are you comfortable discussing it?

UM: Of course. Do you mind listening? It’s just another worthless rant, and to be truly honest, I’ve not told anyone else.. not that I’ve got any other friends.

SGS: Surely! Go ahead, I’ll listen.

UM: Thank you.

UM: There was once a time way back, when the ancients roamed the now abandoned cities.

SGS: Oh?

UM: At that time, I hadn’t been put online yet, nor was I allowed to contact other iterators through datapearl.. I was pestered by the grand master of my colony, Strides Of Silver, Catching Gale. She used to insist on speaking to me, for hours and hours on end.

UM: Truthfully, it made me uncomfortable.

SGS: I’m very sorry this happened, I can say I’ve had similar experiences as well.

UM: Back at that time, I had little determination. Unlike most iterators, I’d never had this phase of independence.. - Solace is a good example.. - , So instead, I’d felt controlled in a way, because I’d lacked that aspect of thought.

SGS: I se..e..

UM: And in that, I’d began to have pessimistic thoughts, that of which I wish I didn’t follow, looking back on it.

UM: …It’s just.. one day, the thoughts had gotten a little too loud. And.. I- you know the rest, by now..

SGS: That’s terrible. I do hope you feel better.. Is there a way I could..h .. help further?

UM: Oh, Nono, I’m quite fine!

SGS: … Dear friend, is there something I could perhaps gift you?

UM: Not again!

SGS: Sorry! I just can’t help it!

UM: How would you, though? Going offtopic..

SGS: Truthfully? I am raising a specimen messenger!

UM: Wow, Souls. That’s an original one..

SGS: I know, I know! It’s one of the older tricks in the book..

UM: Well you’re one to say “Old”..

SGS: Hey!!-

UM: It’s true!.. besides that.. what number is the test specimen at?

SGS: Twenty-Six so far..

UM: How.. -Exactly- …

SGS: Well.. experiments… ha.. have their ups and downs..

UM: I see.

SGS: Besides that tan..g.. g…..e..

UM: Oh, do you have other topics?

SGS: I.. do…t. Qui….e.. k..n…o..w…

UM: Souls..? You’re.. breaking up, do you mind repeating that?..

SGS: …….

UM: ………Okay, uhm. Let’s speak later.
